Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Human Resource Management Highest Market Capitalization

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management for Highest Market Capitalization. Answer: Introduction: One of the key element assessed in the company is that the importance of the performance planning including the monitoring of the same (Banfield Kay, 2012). In a company, it is a responsibility by the HRM to monitor the management of the performance and introduce the strategies for the development of the performance with evaluation from the successful planning (Agarwal et al., 2013). The performance level remains high for the organization when the progress is judged with justification and procedural fairness. In the most recent times, the organization named Fletcher Building has announced some structural changes within the company on the leadership aspect. The changes o made will follow the ongoing review of the business section and its performance management. Discussion: In the new organizational structure, the units will combine with the motive to give better service to the customers. The new structure aims in reducing the long business structure, and that is expected to give the General Manager a critical mass for benefiting from the economic scale. The benefit from the economic scale will give further investment concerning the capacity of the people resulting position of the greater issues. The organization deals with two different divisions, the heavy building products, and the light building product. With the addition of the two divisions of business, the company introduced a large number of new divisions and the units will combine within New Zealand distribution division. Upon following the review, it is found that the company has made many amendments in the recent times to provide a beneficial service to the customers. The CEO of the company explained that the changes were necessary to the ongoing program in the business so as to drive an execution for the improvement in the present factors. The strategy so adopted holds the motive of expanding the financial performance of the organization. The company recent amendments head in following some of the corporate social responsibilities as the CEO explained the necessity of the pursuance for the opportunity of organic growth. While asked to comment on the changes to the structure of the business, the CEO mentioned that he would allow greater focus on the business portfolio management along with the financial performance on the individual unit level. Analysis: The analysis of the performance changes will include the discussion on the employment level and the customer feedback including the market analysis. In the view of different scholars, the change of the performance level in a company must change with the focus that includes the profitability market effectiveness and customer satisfaction. On the other hand, different scholars feel that the change must be brought in aspect with the employees performance recruitment and learning. The reason for the analysis involves the study of the recent pattern of the business since most of the organizations depend on upon the employees for the success and greater effectiveness of the company (Allen et al., 2013). The organizations need to do research before bringing any amendments in the performing level of the business. The main aim of the amendment of the performance level of the organization must focus on the fact that the employees are the assets of the company. So, the company must find out some strategies for figuring out the talent of the employees and identify them and reward them on such basis so that there is the improvement in the per formance level of organizational employees (Haar, 2013). The main aim of the performance management and the change of its working in periodical aspect involve the focus of the employees for the contribution of the company goal achievement. Hence, it is important to make the structure in such manner that agrees to the long-term success of the organization. The HRM plays an important role in the performance change management, and the main goal of an HRM is to analysis the ongoing strategies and advice according to the present condition of the company. Conclusion: The conclusion drawn from the change of the Performance management and review involved the main aspect that is concerned with the employee section as well as the customer satisfaction. The company must make amendments in such way so that there is the maintenance of the sustainability as well as the industrial growth. The main aspect drawn from the Fletcher Building of New Zealand with the change of the performance management is that they are imposing more concentration on the customer satisfaction. In this aspect, the role of the HRM is imperative in an organization. As the HRM and the specific department aim in the recognition of the fact that the employees are assets and that the strategies must be made in such manner which recognizes the employees as assets. Remuneration and reward management: Introduction: It is one of the responsibilities of the Human Resource manager to concern about the employee remuneration program (Jiang et al., 2014). It is even their duty to generate proper salary plan for the employee so that the employee of the company can get filtered to get the best and that will contribute to the long-run profit. The Fletcher Building of New Zealand claims that they recognize the necessity of the rewarding the employees. The most effect way of rewarding an employee is by giving proper remuneration. It is one of the company policies to pay an equal remuneration to the employee based on the rank, and it is one of the ways by the organization to express acknowledgment. Discussion: The Fletcher Building of New Zealand explains that the reward structures are designed in such manner so as to promote the high performance and helps on the strategical method for retaining the best deserving person in the company. and there is a program of incentives which explains the interest of the employee with those of the stakeholders. The company also rewards the high potential employees with the fast track learning and developed opportunities. The main aim of the process of learning is that it gives access to the external and internal development of the work monitoring. The reward management involves some diversity in the workplace so that the employees find interest at the working level, and the performance remains high. Analysis: The diversity program of the Fletcher Building of New Zealand is termed as the busting bias. The company provides a qualitative workplace with diversifying aspect globally and extending across the various cultures. The organization also believes that the diversity is an important aspect in the workplace and is an important asset. It holds the belief that the variety brings a richer and broader aspect of the operating system, and it helps to connect with the dynamic aspect of the customer base. The remuneration and diversity are some great strategies for the organization to extend a long term goal and earn a profit. The positive aspect of the diversity is that it allows the employees to work in such manner that do not differentiate the caste, color, gender or the personality. Although it seems to be a simple concept yet, there are any complications with the general acceptance of the views. It is important that the company must have a forum that develops strategy and designs them so that the process is smooth while incorporating and that the expected goal and intention is protected. The main aim of the company is to hold the view that the diversifying culture of the employees will provide a better output of the total and assumed perspective. The diversity of the employees is highlighted to understand and analyze the way people consider a perception for other individuals. The employees are made engaged in varied activities so that they do not feel low in the workplace and that they find interest to continue the performance with better output. The variant engagement helps the organization to recognize the quality of the employee and analyze the responsibility in such manner (Robbins et al., (2013). It is one of these activities by the organization that helps in the recognition of the right person for an acceptance of the promotion and even finds the deserving employee for the same purpose. The diversity council of the Fletcher Building currently chaired by Mark Anderson represents the division which is established for driving and aligning the programs. The company provides massive opportunities to the employees on the aspect of feedback section designed to give better support to the employees. The feedback which they provide is based on anonymous status so that they do not fall prey of disturbance. The feedback is in the form of delivering thoughts and opinions with experience sections. Conclusion: It is observed in this discussion that the employees are to be considered as the assets of the organization. To make the business successful it is important to reward the employee in a proper manner. It is also seen that the best way to reward the employee is by providing proper remuneration. The Fletcher Building involves the practice of not only good remuneration program but provides the better incentive program so that the employees find interest in providing a better output of the performance. The main aim of the company to reward in the form of remuneration involves the intention for the long term profit by the organization. It is even observed that the company provides a diversifying program and strategies so that the best quality work can be provided to its customers (Kehoe Wright, 2013). The main aim of the diversifying program is to allow a mean of conversation in a better manner to understand the queries and that can be fulfilled in the proper manner. The company made a point of the participation of the entire employee section so that there can be an analysis of the perception delivered for each other within the workplace. Furthermore, one of the greatest aspects of the Fletcher Building is that it provided a platform for the employees where they can express the views in the form of opinions about the various aspect of the corporation (KumpikaitÄ—, 2015). It helps the employee to express the views, and the company will come to know the demands which will further help them achieve a profit in the long run. Management of employee health and safety: Introduction: In the study of the Human Resource Management, one of the most important concerns is the employee health and the welfare. Indeed, it is one of the most important concerns of the business organization to look after the employee health and organization (Boxall Macky 2014). The health involves the concern regarding the balance of the employees' personal life as well as the balance of the stress of the employees. The newer initiative of the HRM involves looking at the welfare of the employee in all aspects. Hence, the Human Resource Department is the forum in a corporation for the wellbeing of the employee o that the company can benefit from them in the long term profit. Discussion: The Fletcher Building explains the fact that based on the nature of the work and with the belief that the accidents can have prevention; the long-term goal involves the elimination of everything likely to cause harm (Yang et al., 2013). The company claims to have ensured a zero harm policy for the employee. Analysis: It is analyzed that the company has (Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate) or the TRIFRwhich a clear indication of the progress that they made in the recent years. According to the report, the risk reduction has come to 85 % in the recent years as stated by the annual report by the organization (Kadiresan et al., 2012.). Upon analyzing it is even found that they use a never missing reporting technique on each division which is required for the report and investigation in the manner of the peer reviewed. The company uses safety and scheduled observations which are the duty of the executive staff as well as the CEO to complete the tour to ensure safety and identify the close out hazards. The company believes that following of the external safety process audits is one of the most preferred means for the high-risk facilities. The idea commenced in the year of 2012, and I successfully implemented since then. The corporation claims to have set a review and feedback committee so that there can be a track on the appropriate gathering of information for the working of safety and health measures. The company even adopted a policy of Incident Cause Analysis and Method which popularly known as the ICAM investigating reports (Yang et al., 2013). The ICAM report is an effective method for the analysis of the implication of the safety method and acts upon the mitigation. The Fletcher Building developed a culture in the health and safety methods. The organization believes that the culture building is an effective method of providing safety and health assurance for the employees (Willis et al., 2014). The company introduced different methods for the acknowledgment of the health and safety methods adopted by them and with the proper implementation of the same for the employees. They introduced an award system for the leaders or the department in charge for the application of the safety measures (Syme et al., 2014). The main motive for the celebration and the acknowledgment of the safety methods is to encourage the service and the dedication of the same to be recognized carried on. The HRM of the company is concerned about the different issues with the employees. Hence, the health factor is an important concern for the betterment of the ongoing business. So in the health and safety sections, it is important to have the concern with the stress of employees at work. Conclusion: Upon discussion of the health and security measures of the Fletcher Buildings, it is observed that the health and safety have a broad aspect in the business. As mentioned earlier that the employees are the assets of the company hence it is important to have a look at the health and safety and ensure zero risk and low level of stress. It is important for every company to have a definite forum to look at the demands of the employees and understand the queries put by them. In the course of the HRM, the concern and developing strategies for the concern of the health is an important responsibility for the HR department. References: Agarwal, R., Green, R., Brown, P. J., Tan, H., Randhawa, K. (2013). 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